Power to the Poster

Bubble letters around a yellow mouth spell VOTE


by Wide Eye

#action, #america, #votingrights

GOTV (Get Out The Vote!) and inspire people to the polls on election day!

A project by Wide Eye:

In advance of the 2018 election on November 6th, a broad cohort of American designers have gathered together to produce original works to help GOTV (Get Out The Vote!) and inspire people to the polls on election day. Voting and civic engagement have never been more important, and design and art have an important role to play. All posters below are shareable, downloadable, and printable on a Creative Commons license.

Posters by Jason Dietrick, Julia Zeltser, Oxide Design Co., Jason Kernevich, Allison Glancy & Craig Seder, Deroy Peraza, and Skye Schuchman.

We are citizens who see poster design as an important tool to advocate for a better America: gun control, racial justice, love, and on and on. INFO