Power to the Poster

A breast illustration letterpress with 2 peach boobs on a white background.


by Western Editions

#america, #lgbtqrights, #womensrights


Interactive letterpress print. To get the full effect, just take your shirt off.

Print via Western Editions “Peep Show”:

Featuring predominantly female-identifying artists, the show takes a stand for women and against America’s fearfully less-than-femme-friendly president.

The curators of the show began developing special-edition feminist prints and posters around the time that the election results spread their first shockwaves. The results signified a clear indication to the artists “that the rights of women and the LGBTQ community were being encroached upon.” The show as a whole includes a slew of media, from textile work to glossy magazine editorial photos to minimalist prints.

Vice Creators »

We are citizens who see poster design as an important tool to advocate for a better America: gun control, racial justice, love, and on and on. INFO