Power to the Poster

Black cutout letters on white read BLACK LIVES MATTER

Black Lives Matter

by The Union for Contemporary Art

#america, #blacklivesmatter, #racialjustice



Following the killing of James Scurlock, a 22-year old unarmed Black man in Omaha on May 30, 2020, The Union began mass producing screen-printed Black Lives Matter posters. Thousands have already been distributed for free to our community and we are working hard to keep up with demand.

To help spread the message of solidarity far and wide, we've made some pdfs of the design available here in different sizes. Feel free to download and print from your office printer or use the file to make your own prints.

Prints by Joey Lynch and Dan Crane

We are citizens who see poster design as an important tool to advocate for a better America: gun control, racial justice, love, and on and on. INFO