Power to the Poster

Paper artwork of a woman and punching fist under the words "And Never The Less She Persisted."

And Nevertheless She Persisted

by Peter O. Zierlein

#congress, #politics, #power, #womensrights

The best, Elizabeth Warren.
The worst, Mitch McConnell.

Poster via The Guardian:

This paper-cut artwork by Zierlein, a German illustrator based in Northampton, Massachusetts, was inspired by the 2017 US Senate vote to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren’s objections to confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as US attorney general. Following the vote, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said: “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

We are citizens who see poster design as an important tool to advocate for a better America: gun control, racial justice, love, and on and on. INFO